John Lennon’s Ferrari up for grabs

A Ferrari 330 GT once owned by a quite famous man with a big beard is going under the hammer…

John Lennon's Ferrari 330 GT
A Ferrari 330 GT once owned by John Lennon will be auctioned off in Paris on 5 February.
Lennon who, you cry? Why, he's only the world's most recognised bearded Liverpudlian, famous for painting a Rolls in psychedelic livery and, erm, being in a band called ‘The Beatles', or summat.
See more pics of John Lennon's old Ferrari 330 GT
The light-blue 1965 Ferrari 330 GT, immaculately restored to its original condition in the mid 90s, was John's first car after he passed his driving test. Rumour has it, his driving test made headline news; so much so, every luxury car dealership close to his home in Weybridge rocked up with a car on the day, hoping the big man would pick theirs.
Astons, Jags and Maseratis flooded the road outside, as Lennon calmly strolled outside, had a peek at the collected exotica and plumped for the 330 GT.
In them days the Fezza was worth £2,000, but Bonhams is expecting to get just over £140,000 when it goes up for auction next month. Lennon's colourful Rolls sold for £1.5m in 1985, if you require perspective.
It's being sold at Bonhams' Paris sale of Motor Cars at the Grand Palais on 5 February.
Coolest celebrity-owned motor?

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