TORONTO, ON – On May 15 Champcar’s Alex Tagliani and NASCAR C.T.S. driver Andrew Ranger made an appearance at Toronto’s Metro Hall, a short walk northeast of the Rogers Centre, in support of the Victory Lap charity program sponsored by Wal-Mart Canada and Procter & Gamble.
The event, in its fifth year, helps raise funds for children’s hospitals all over Canada through its affiliation with the Children’s Miracle Network. The Victory Lap charity program’s goal for the 2007 edition is to raise $350,000 in donations through various appearances at Wal-Marts across Canada.
“I'm really delighted to be personally involved in the 2007 edition," said Tagliani. "I'm especially looking forward to spending some time with the kids and their families at the track, when we have a special day for them at the Canadian events on the schedule."
A ticket sales campaign is also in the works for the three Canadian Champcar rounds on July 1 at Mont-Tremblant, July 8 at the Grand Prix of Toronto and July 22 at the Grand Prix of Edmonton as well as the annual Trois-Rivieres Sportscar Race which would see proceeds from the sale of tickets added to the Victory Lap charity program.
The program has been very successful so far, gaining momentum from one year to the next. The 2006 edition earned $209,000 which eclipsed the previous three years donations combined.
"The public response to the Victory Lap Tour has been absolutely wonderful, and through their support and that of our partners, we have been able to generate much-welcomed funds for Children's Miracle Network," said Frank Morin of Wal-Mart Canada.
The tour kicked off in Etobicoke on April 28 and is set to conclude in Guelph on August 30.